
Welcome to 'Old Acquaintances' blog...The debut book by author Ursula Gorman. 'Old Acquaintances' is a mystery/romance.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Funny Title, Wonderful Stories...

My Hero, My Ding by Lisa A. Tortorello…might be a funny name, but the story is a sweet, endearing walk down memory lane. This is a collection of stories about a girl and her grandfather and the fun and special bond they shared. Lisa brings her memories to life and lets you enjoy the love, camaraderie and zaniness she shared with her grandfather. The Dings share a special bond that made sense only to them, and that’s exactly how they liked it. I encourage anyone that had a special bond with a grandparent, aunt, uncle…to pick up a copy of My Hero, My Ding. Not only will you find Lisa’s story genuine but it just might bring back fond memories of your own life…Plus, you’ll get to find out what a Ding is…
Reviewed by: Ursula Gorman, author of ‘Old Acquaintances’

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Things are coming together!

It is Sunday, Dec. 12th, and National Book Release is just around the corner. I signed my contract for publishing my book on Dec. 16th, 2009...on my birthday. Now, almost one year to the day, my book is about to be released. I'm amazed at how it's all come together.
It seemed to take forever from the time I was offered the contract to when I signed it and, finally, the initial contact with my editor. From there it was, 'hurry up and wait' during each and every step. There was enough time between contact that I was about to go stir crazy, but just before I reached that point, I had contact with the publishers again and had a renewed sense of purpose.
So each and every step seemed to be excruciatingly slow, but exciting nonetheless. An oxymoron if there ever was one! So each step brought me closer and closer to being done with the publication process...
The final step has been the editing of the audio book, but I have mixed emotions about that. That's a whole other subject...So now, here we are, two days before National Release and I'm surprised it's here already...hahaha...too funny that time seemed to drag only to be here already!
So, check out Old Acquaintances reviews on Barnes and Noble.com and on Goodreads. There should be some going up on Amazon.com as soon as they are able to put them on there. The reviews have been really good and it's an encouraging beginning to what's hopefully, a long career in writing!
If you've already read Old Acquaintances, thank you for your support and I hope you enjoyed it. If you haven't...well, I might be biased, but it's a good, fast paced and entertaining read...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Book Signing...a bust!

I attended the LR PTA Christmas Bazaar yesterday. There were two gyms filled with approx. 80 vendors, or so I'm told. I set up my table and never left it, so I didn't go into the other gym. I was told the other gym was bigger and had more vendors in it.
21 days before Christmas, you'd think a craft bazaar would bring out a lot of shoppers. The booths around me all had great gift ideas...handmade wooden boxes for men and women...beautiful craftsmanship...Handmade silver/gemstone jewelry, ornaments, baked goods, handmade aprons, potholders, Christmas decorations...etc...If I'd had the time and money, I could have gotten a lot of buying done in the room I was in. But, alas, the people didn't come. I was really surprised. Usually when I attend such events as a shopper, I have to fight the crowds. There were probably a couple of hundred shoppers during the 7 hour event but very few of them seemed to be buying. I'm not sure if it's the economy, the mall or if we just didn't have what the people were looking for...
The lady in the booth beside me, an older woman that handmade her own dresses/aprons/potholders, and did a fantastic job, actually fell asleep. I mean, head back and mouth wide open type of sleep. The first time she did, a customer had to wake her up to purchase a potholder...the women woke up, took the money and promptly went back to sleep. LOL It might not have been the best customer service, but I doubt she missed many sales. She packed up and was ready to leave before the event was over. She said she wouldn't be back the next year...
I think I'm not that set on judging this particular event after just one chance...who knows why we didn't see the crowds that I expected...I had a great table, had a few people stop and talk to me...but the sales just weren't there. I didn't even make my money back for the fee I had to pay to attend...but, you never know unless you try.
I will not give up! I will be back out there again. I only hope for better success! Next weekend is a regular book signing at the Library Center in Springfield Mo...I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's Official!

While National release is still a few weeks away for Old Acquaintances...it's official, you can now pre-order on Amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com...Very exciting!
Currently you can pre-order on both, but barnesandnoble.com has it at a discounted price. But remember, the only way to get an autographed copy is to order directly from me!
It's all so exciting and starting to feel more and more real. I've spent almost a full year since mailing in the signed contract to seeing it available on line. National Release date is actually two days shy of the one year anniversary date of when I signed the contract.
In some ways, a year seems like forever and in other ways, it seems like it hasn't been very long at all...What a fantastical journey!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Giving a shout out to Hollister Junior High

I had a speaking engagement at the Hollister Middle School today with the 7th grade English Lit classes, 6 different classes total. The kids were great! I saw a couple with glassy eyes or bored looks, but for the most part, they were attentive and responsive.
They asked lots of great questions and several of them mentioned some of their favorite authors and series. It was great to see them all so into reading! As someone that has always been an avid reader and a big fan of encouraging others to read, it was refreshing!
I want to thank the teachers that invited me, Melanie and Rhonda. They were both great and very encouraging. I was extremely nervous but once I got there, and said several prayers on the way there and while I was there, my nerves settled and once I finished the first class, the nerves were under control! Thank you God! I couldn't have done near as well without you by my side!
So, Hollister Junior High 7th graders...You Rock!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tis the Season...Already?

It seems that the holidays happen sooner and sooner each and every year. It used to be that you started seeing Christmas decorations just before Thanksgiving...then, just after Halloween. This year, they were out before Halloween...Really?!?
I love the holiday's, but I would like to enjoy one before the next one rolls around. I realize that for businesses, the sooner they start, the more money they bring in but it doesn't help with the overbearing commercialism that the holidays have become.
I think that Thanksgiving gets a bum deal in all this. Halloween is the start of the season and the kids can't wait for it and that's all they think about. So it stands to reason that Halloween gets plenty of attention. But Christmas begins immediately and Thanksgiving gets over shadowed...
Don't get me wrong, Christmas time is my favorite time of the year. I love the Christmas spirit in the air. I love to hear the Christmas music on just about every radio station. I love to watch the Christmas shows that are shown on just about every TV channel. I love to feel the chill in the air while looking at all the Christmas lights. I love to know that Jesus birth is being honored during this time of the year, at least in our home...after all, He is the reason for the season.
That being said, what about giving thanks for all you have? for your health? for your family? for your job? I would like to take a moment to make sure Thanksgiving is honored, at least in my little world. I plan to enjoy the traditional feast with my family and overeat along with everyone else. But I would like to give thanks for...my Savior and salvation, for my family, for having a roof over my head, for having a job and a car to get me there, for my families good health, for food for nutrition and enjoyment, for great friends and for love.
God has given up more than we can imagine to be thankful for and in His honor, we should take time to be thankful. So, I plan to honor Thanksgiving today and everyday in honor of the Creator that gave us everything. Thank you Lord.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I wasn't expecting a royalty check for 3rd quarter since Old Acquaintances won't be nationally released until the very end of 4th quarter. On the books I bought to sell in advance, I obviously don't receive a royalty check for those...So I was pleasently surprised to receive a check from Tate Publishing this afternoon for 3rd quarter sales...Too cool!!!Okay, so the check was for under $5, but since I wasn't expecting any, I can't complain! Since Old Acquaintances is available for sale on Tate's website at http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tatepublishing.com%2Fbookstore%2Fbook.php%3Fw%3D978-1-61739-099-9&h=819ab I get royalties for any book sold from them.
So, if you haven't gotten your copy yet, now is a great time. It would also make a great Christmas gift for the book lover in your life.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wonderfully Crafted...Beyond the Dead Forest

Beyond the Dead Forest by Steve Groll draws you in and doesn't let go...Carter and Kat are best friends that know the area in which they live like the back of their hands...that is, until the 'dead forest' appears one day and is unlike anything they've ever seen. On this particular visit, they meet a strange man...and their journey begins. Carter and Kat takes the adventure of their lives that changes everything they've known and has the potential to change their whole lives...and the lives of everyone they come in contact with.
Steve does a wonderful job pulling the reader into the story and lets you experience the journey along with Carter and Kat. You catch yourself trying to make decisions right along with them and wondering if you'd be able to make the 'hard' choices that they do...or if you'd take the easy way out. Beyond the Dead Forest is a lesson in faith, love and unselfishness. The Advesary tries to do all he can to mislead the partners, but they have the ultimate champion, the Guardian...but they have to make the choice on who to follow.
This is one of the best books I've read that explain things about the bible, choices and faith that is aimed at our youth and is great for adults as well! What does it mean to believe, have faith and to make choices, even hard ones, when you are a Christian. There are always choices, but only the right ones will set you free.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Book Review of 'A Simpler Time' by Laura Eckroat

A Simpler Time by Laura Eckroat is delightful. The first thing that grabbed me was the illustrations, but the story is what captivated my imagination and brought back so many fond, childhood memories. 'A Simpler Time' encourages you to slow down and really appreciate what is around you, in nature, not in technology. While gadgets are fun, new and exciting...at least for a while, the world around you has so much more to offer and it changes daily!
One of my favorite summer memories as a child is catching fireflies, this is something my children also love to do now. This book not only encourages imagination, but encourages families to spend time together creating wonderful memories that will last longer than any ipod or video game.
This book is great for almost everybody! Give it as a gift for a birthday, holiday or just any occasion. It will remind adults of simpler times and show children that there is more to life than playing games, sitting at a computer, etc...
Great book! Loved it!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Review for 'The Life of Bud' by Laura Eckroat

'The Life of Bud' by Laura Eckroat is a sweet, vividly illustrated story of the cycle of life. Bud enters life as, well, a bud. He goes through the cycles of life with the guidance of his fellow, more mature leaves. As Bud reaches each stage of his life, his fellow leaves explain that each season is natural and should be embraced. Bud has wonderful memories of each experience of the seasons and is sad to know that it all comes to an end eventually.
This is a gentle and loving way to explain the facts of death to younger children, it nicely ends with the explaination that life will continue. The only reason I didn't give it a 5 star rating is that younger children might need further explaination on what the story is saying. That being said, it is a great way to open the door for conversation.
I would recommend this book to anyone with children, to teachers, for churches, pre-schools and grandparents. It is a beautifully written and lovingly illustrated book.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

From Zero to Christian in 35 Years by Lori A. Moore

From Zero to Christian in 35 Years by Lori A. Moore is a well written, beautifully told story. Lori takes you into her life before and after coming to know the Lord. She strips down the glossy overlay people tend to put over the 'rough patches' in life and shows her life as it is.
As a child, Lori was not introduced to any religion, her parents deciding that their children should choose for themselves but never giving them any education about any religion. Lori comes to know religion as too many people do, stiff, no nonsense, and unbending...Fortunetly God had plans for Lori and made sure the right people came into her life to lead her to find what knowing God was really about.
Lori didn't have an easy life, feelings of loniless, abandonment, feelings of being unloved...she searched for love the only way she had known to find it, with sex. She was heading down the wrong road in life but yet, God was there watching over her and protecting her, even though she didn't realize it until much later.
Lori tells us her story in an intriguing, straight to the point way that brings the reader along in a quick, easy to read story. She tells it like it is. She admits her faults and embraces them. She recognizes she is how God made her and what she does with her life is up to her...and she chooses to honor God in all she does. Lori doesn't claim to be perfect, in fact, she readily admits that perfection is impossible. She does the best she can and leaves the rest up to God.
Great read and I recommend it to anyone struggling with acceptance of their own faults, letting God have the control and anyone just needing an uplifting, heartwarming read about a true child of God and her journey to her Father. -Reviewed by Ursula Gorman, author of Old Acquaintances.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Author's Fair

If you are in the area (Springfield Mo) on Saturday, October. 9th, stop in at the Library Center for the Author's Fair from 11-2. There will be 40+ authors in attendance. http://thelibrary.org/press/article.cfm?aid=1104 Check out the website to see a list of all the author's that will be there...It is my first event and I can't wait to experience it!
My husband and I spent some time yesterday working on how to set up my table to make it eye appealing and bring people over to check out my book. I will also have a drawing for a giveaway...so be sure to swing by my table and check it out and pick up your own copy of 'Old Acquaintances'!
I can't wait to meet you!

Friday, October 1, 2010

First Batch of Books

I received my first batch of books Monday...way too exciting. I had just gone to lunch when my husband sent me a message that the books were in. I dashed home to take a look...so excited that it was all I could do to keep my butt in the seat while driving home. (And yes, I watched my speed...)
I arrived home and picked up my first book, hands shaking and stomach full of butterflies. Oh to actually have them in my hands! The last seven months of the publishing process culminating in this one moment, my words in a book for the whole world to see! All the waiting, the hurrying to meet deadlines, the waiting, etc...was now in the book I was holding in my hands...Amazing! God is good!!
Since I had to go back to work, I decided to go ahead and sign and deliver the ones that had been pre-ordered by co-workers. I was surprised by how shaky my hand was when I started to sign the books. Which signing books seemed really weird anyway! The first couple were a little shaky, but I don't think anyone will really notice.
I got back to work and delivered my books and showed it off to some friends. I was pretty useless for a bit when I got back to work! lol
I ended up selling an additional 7 books to co-workers that day which only jacked up the excitement level! Of course, it also jacked up the nerves! Knowing people I know personally would be reading my book...what if they don't like it? What if they think it's lame or boring? What if they think I'm a really bad writer and who would want to publish me? Can you tell I tend to prepare for the worst? I don't know what will happen when I get my first bad review. And yes, I said when, not if. I know it will happen.
Luckily, I have had only positive comments so far. Tuesday, one of my co-workers let me know that she sat down the night before and couldn't put it down! She loved it. She said it was fast paced and couldn't wait to get to the end, but once she was done, she was sad it was over. What a great compliment!
So, now I just keep trying to get the word out about Old Acquaintances and hope people tell other people about it and how much they loved it. I keep plugging away and look forward to my very first event on Oct. 9th. I am so lucky to have found out about an Author's Fair at the main library in Springfield Mo- the Library Center- and I was able to get a table! There is supposed to be 30 to 50 authors there. I can't wait.
If you've read Old Acquaintances, spread the word...If you haven't, you can get it through me or Tate Publishing! Whatever your reading pleasure is...Good reading everyone!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

National Release Date

Old Acquaintances has been given it's National Release Date! Old Acquaintances will be available for order through your local bookstores, Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com starting December 14, 2010!
It won't be found in the bookstores, that doesn't normally happen with a debut novel, at least not unless they are in high demand or the author is already famous for something else, ie...Sarah Palin...
So, you can have any bookstore order the book for you! This will help create demand and it's what the stores go by when determining if they will carry the book in the store!
BUT...if you don't want to wait until December 14th to get your very own copy of Old Acquaintances...order directly through the author or through Tate Publishing, http://www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore/book.php?w=978-1-61739-099-9
If you order directly from the author, you can get your copy signed! Great stocking stuffer idea!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Win a copy of 'Old Acquaintances'

Join 'Old Acquaintances' fan page on facebook, and when we reach 200 members, all members will be entered into a drawing for a free, personalized copy of 'Old Acquaintances'.
If you are already a member, help us reach the 200 member mark by inviting your friens and family to join.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Headed to Print

I've been sent my final, last chance to find mistakes, layout and design. I found two more mistakes, but otherwise, it looks great! I am sending in the corrections for the final two changes then it's off to print. It should be done and at the print department no later than Wednesday.
Once it's sent to print, I hear from my marketer! That's when I'll get to hear what kind of ideas they have, share what ideas I have and order my first shipment of books. I'm excited! Finally, it's almost come to fruition...my first published book!
It's been over a year since I was offered the contract and 7, almost 8 months since production began...I'm busting with anticipation.
Pre-sales have been going good, but there is still time to be one of the first 50 to get a signed and numbered copy of Old Acquaintances. Don't miss your chance to get a numbered copy of my debut novel!
Stay tuned for my first experience with marketing...:^}

Friday, August 20, 2010

Pre-Sales have begun!

It has finally come...time to start pre-sales of 'Old Acquaintances'! It has been a long and enjoyable experience and I'm looking forward to the next chapter! (No pun intended!)
The book will be available to purchase with paypal by the end of the weekend...but if you prefer to pay with check or money order you don't have to wait! To order, send a check or money order for $15.99 to PO Box 284 Rogersville, Mo. 65742. The first 50 books sold will not only be signed, but also numbered.
This cost includes shipping, so if you live close by and it doesn't need to be mailed, contact me and I'll get you the price w/o shipping costs. You can contact me at authorugorman@mediacombb.net
Thank you and God bless,


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Book Review of Missing Andy by Lori A. Moore

‘Missing Andy’ by Lori A. Moore is a well written story that gives you an unusual view point in grieving the loss of a loved one. Lori puts her grief, and how she handled it, in this heartfelt story. Not only that, she does it from the view point of someone most people never consider, the ex-wife. Lori shares her pain and the unexpected events that were caused by Andy’s death in a way that shows her faith, love, strength and, yes, her weaknesses. With her love of God and the strength He provides, along with the support of her husband, Lori allows herself to grieve. Lori shows that it’s okay to cry, to grieve, to mourn and to do it at your own pace. The dreaded words, ‘it’ll get easier as time passes’ isn’t what ‘Missing Andy’ is about. It is about learning to deal with the loss and to come to terms in your own way and by continuing to honor your loved one’s wishes…It’s about love. I recommend this book to anyone that has suffered loss of a loved one; it just might be what they need.

Review by Ursula Gorman, author of Old Acquaintances, a mystery/romance released Dec 2010/Jan 2011

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Author Interview

I was interviewed by Lori A. Moore, author of 'Missing Andy'. If you get a moment to check it out, let me know what you think. I'm hoping this won't be my last interview, and any tips you have are greatly appreciated!
If this won't work as a link, you should be able to cut and paste into your browser.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Review of 'A Wife and A Witness' by Joy Bowser

‘A Wife and A Witness, Loving your spouse to the lord’ by Joy Ellen Bowser
To be honest, this wasn’t an easy book to read…because it makes you take a hard look at yourself and your marriage. There are some hard hitting truths throughout ‘A Wife and A Witness’, most I agreed with…a couple I am uncertain about. But I think this is a great way to open up our mind, heart and soul and find out what our beliefs about marriage are. It makes you ask yourself some hard hitting questions and open up conversations with your spouse. It is great to help you work through your own barriers you’ve set up for yourself because of today’s laws, rules, expectations… ‘A Wife and A Witness’ reminds you that you are supposed to be living in your marriage by God’s laws, rules and expectations…Marriage isn’t about being right all the time, being in charge or equality…Marriage is about God, what’s correct according to His word. God should be the one in charge and we are all His children and we should live our lives accordingly.
Reviewed by Ursula Gorman author of ‘Old Acquaintances’ a mystery/romance (released Dec 2010)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Book Backmatter/Teaser

Two years after her mom’s tragic death, Rissa is finally ready to get on with her life. But someone else has different plans for her…

...In Old Acquaintances Rissa is confronted with an unknown enemy that turns her life into a living nightmare. She tries to convince herself that everything happening around her is just coincidence, but she can’t fool herself for long. When horrible things keep happening, she turns to her best friend Matt for help. But who can she turn to when he suddenly jumps to the top of the suspect list?

With only a few leads to go on and nowhere to turn, Rissa wants to use herself for bait but the police want to put her in protective custody. While they are butting heads, things are heating up as the body count rises and the suspect list dwindles. Detective Stone is put on the case. He is a well-respected detective that lives up to his name, but will he be able to figure it out before the killer decides it’s time to end the game and destroy Rissa for good? Who will be left standing when the smoke clears?

The twists and turns in Old Acquaintances keep Detective Stone and Rissa guessing from start to finish.

Book Cover

It's official!!! The book cover has been chosen...let me know what you think.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Cover Design Options

I have been anxiously awaiting my choices for my cover design. I've checked my e-mail everyday since the earliest possible date that they might be sitting there, in my in box, waiting for me to open them and be awed. If only...
I came home today and opened my e-mail and yes, there was an e-mail from my graphic design artist, finally!!! I opened the e-mail and qickly noted that there was no attachments. I quickly scanned the e-mail to see what it said...where and when I could expect the designs. But as I scanned down to the bottom, there they were, embedded in the e-mail. My three cover design options...only, the one I had eagerly anticipated, the one I went into great detail explaining over the phone, the one I found another cover that had the same coloring I wanted (and e-mailed a picture of it to my designer), the one I had been envisioning...wasn't there.
I felt the tears stinging my eyes but I refused to let them fall. I was the only one in the house at the moment and I let myself mourn the loss of my vision. Then I let my husband, who was outside grilling, know that they had arrived and I wasn't happy...So we talked. I texted my best friend, I messaged a couple of author friends I've meet through facebook and let my disappointment be known, but still tried to be upbeat...
What have I accomplished? I got to get it out of my system and clear my mind some. I realized that I needed to look at the cover options on their own merits and not what my preconceived notions were. I realized that God has lead me on this journey and He has been counseling me on every step...so why haven't I already gone to Him? Why? Because I wasn't ready to listen, I needed to 'get it out'. But now, now I'm ready to hear what the Lord wants me to do. My heart, my mind and my eyes are now wide open. The Lord will never forsake me! It will all be fine and I will take another look at my options with a different state of mind.
So my friends, in a few short days, my cover design for 'Old Acquaintances' will be settled and we will be one step closer to having a final product!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Enjoy this time of your life

"Man, I wish it were the weekend." This is a common statement I hear all the time at work...I've even uttered them myself. But what are we really wishing for? Life goes by so fast, do we really need to wish it away?
My children are growing so fast, that I wish I could go back and repeat all the things I missed...or didn't take the time to stop and enjoy. I guess what I'm getting at is, are you taking the time to enjoy the things you'll miss in the years to come?
I enjoy my time with my family, outdoors, doing enjoyable things...but I don't like missing all of this due to work. It's a little different if you are passionate about your work, but what if you don't enjoy your work?
I don't wish my life away, but I do wish my work hours away...they keep me from enjoying the things I am truly passionate about, my family. I don't mind pulling my weight in the world, I just wish I didn't miss so much time with my kids and my husband.
So, next time you are hurrying your kids up at the park, at bath time or trying to get them into bed faster so you can have some quiet time...stop and think, you'll wish you had this time back and that is one thing you can't get back. Enjoy your family and your health while you still can. Take time to smell the flowers and to play with your kids or grandkids...they are only little for such a short while...
God bless you all and I wish you joy, laughter and happiness...now, go play with your children.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Book Review of 'Buddy Finds a Home' by Rachel Edmiston

‘Buddy Finds a Home’ by Rachel Edmiston is a sweet story of a slightly scruffy, energetic and loveable puppy named Buddy. Buddy is the last of the litter and still, no one has chosen him to go home with them. Buddy decides to find his own family; only, it isn’t as easy as he thought it would be.
Buddy wonders why no one choses him…is he too rambunctious? Too odd looking? Too small? Surely there is a family out there that wants him. Buddy just wants a loving family with a little boy that he can call his own.
Follow along with Buddy as he goes through his adventure of finding his family. You will come to adore Buddy…
This would be a perfect gift for any young child, especially one that loves puppies. This would also make an ideal gift for a pre-school or kindergarten class.
Reviewed by Ursula Gorman-author of ‘Old Acquaintances’ a mystery/romance; will be released Dec 2010/Jan 2011

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Book Review for: 'A Trail of Broken Promises' by Jess Davon Joslin

‘A Trail of Broken Promises’ by Jess Davon Joslin is a beautifully written, heart wrenching story of a young Cherokee woman that losses everything she has, but gains an inner strength she didn’t know she possessed.
I couldn’t put this book down once I started it. Jess Davon Joslin does an amazing job of bringing the story alive. Elsie Feather is a young Cherokee woman married to the family shaman. She has her world ripped away from her in a moment, not knowing where her family is or if they are even still alive. She is forced from her home with nothing but the clothes she has on…The devastation takes its toll on many of the Cherokee as they are forced into holding camps until their time to march to their ‘new land’ arrives. Finding what little hope she can during the ensuing months, Elsie must find inner strength as she loses more than most can bear.
This is a story of strength, courage, heartbreak and the power of love for family and God…
Reviewed by Ursula Gorman-author of ‘Old Acquaintances’ a mystery/romance to be released Dec 10/Jan 11

Review: Tomato Turtle by Thomas Strock

‘Tomato Turtle’ by Thomas Strock – Cute. Adorable. Endearing. These are just a few of the words that describe ‘Tomato Turtle’. The illustrations pull you into the light hearted story and bring Tomato alive in the minds of young children.
Tomato is a happy turtle with a great turtle life, but one day he sees children playing in the park and wants to play like them. The reader follows along with Tomato as he enjoys new experiences. Tomato finds that there are many other joys than those he has always known. While he finds that new experiences are wonderful, he realizes he misses his turtle life.
Children will love the adorable illustrations and enjoy following along with Tomato and his ‘Trip to the Park’. ‘Tomato Turtle’ is a perfect gift for small children with the colorful images and the easy to follow story.
Reviewed by: Ursula Gorman author of ‘Old Acquaintances’- a mystery/romance release date Dec 2010/Jan 2011

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Book Review- C through Marriage by Jim Hughes

‘C through Marriage’ by Jim Hughes is a positive and uplifting book backed by scripture. It is a book that is perfect to be given to newly engaged/married couples and to couples that have been together for years. For the newly engaged/married couples, it gives a good look into what marriage is truly like. Not the glossed over, romanticized version some adults have grown up believing marriage is. As for the married couples that have been together for years, it is an ideal book to revisit what your marriage is now as opposed to what you expected it to be and what is still can become.
‘C trough Marriage’ is written in short chapters, each starting with a possible real life scenario and going into what God intended marriage to be and how to go about reaching a Godly marriage. Bible verses are given throughout each chapter, so you’ll want to have your bible handy.
While I feel that I have a great marriage, this book made me realize that it could be even better. I caught myself wanting to stop reading so I could start working on making my marriage more of what God intended, but I’m glad I didn’t stop…because with each chapter, I learned so much more.
I found this book to be right on the mark. I encourage every married couple, whether you feel your marriage needs help or not, to read this book. This is also the perfect book to have on hand to be given as an engagement gift. If it encourages communication to start before the vows are taken, so many negative issues can be avoided after the vows.
Ursula Gorman- author of ‘Old Acquaintances’ a mystery/romance to be released Dec. 10/Jan. 11

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cover Design

I've been in contact with my cover design artist. Her name is Lauran and she is great, at least so far! lol She was very open to my idea of what I had in mind for my book cover. She said I would get 3 to 5 cover options at the end of the month. I'll have 2 to 5 days to decide on which one I want to go with. So by the end of the month, I should have a cover for my book. Very exciting.
Old Acquaintances is a mystery/romance, but the romance is more of the secondary story. So which would draw you to pick up the book? A mysterious, intriguing cover or a more romantic cover? I tend to lean toward mysteries, so that is what would draw 'me' to the book...but this isn't about me, it's about the readers. The inside, was all me...but the outside has to pull you in to want to see what the inside is all about.
Some people go for more plain, straight to the point covers that don't appeal to me at all. Then there are those that seem to portray a serious subject, then there's mystery, sci fi, romance, etc. etc. etc...
I've always been attracted to the mysterious...how about you?

Friday, July 2, 2010

It's been awhile!

It's been a little while since I've posted...It's been crazy! I'm covering for a co-worker while she's on maternity leave, doing a portion of her job while still keeping up with my own work. I have to cover for another co-worker while she takes three days off...plus I'm having more stuff added to my regular duties...I'm tired just thinking about it! :)
My son just had his tonsils out earlier this week. I did manage to get a day off to be with him. He is doing amazing. His tonsils were so bad that even with surgery, he seems to be doing better then before having it. His voice sounds funny and he can't play or eat what he wants, but he is eating and getting plenty of fluids so all is well!
I've received my final round of edits. It's good news. She liked what I did so much in the first round that she said she didn't have any notes for me. I just have to look for typos, paragraph indentions and double spacing between words. but for the most part, it's all good.
I've read over it once since getting it back and found some paragraphs that needed indentions, but didn't find any typos or double spaces. I do have a friend looking it over since she hasn't read it yet. A fresh pair of eyes and all...never can hurt.
I have also been contacted by the design department for my cover art. I should be getting a call first of the week to discuss what I want and let her get a feel for the book. I'm excited for that...more later!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Photo Contest Ended

There was a really good turn out for votes for the photo contest to help me choose the picture I'll use for the Author Bio Picture. The new picture on my blog was the winner. I will eventually replace the picture with my books cover art, but why not start using the winning photo now?
I was thrilled at the response to the contest. Erice Wayne Wilcox won the drawing for a copy of a signed 'Old Acquaintances' when I get my advanced copies. Erice's wife Mary wrote 'First Rose'. It's a fantastic book and I encourage all of you that have ever wondered what life in heaven would be like to pick up the book. You won't regret it, I didn't!
Eleven more days and I get my next round of edits...Yeah! Things are moving right along. It seemed to take forever for anyone to even start working on my book and now, I'm happy to say, I don't have long to wait between projects. That helps the anxiety level.
Today is my daughter's birthday and it's time to have cake and ice cream. So I part with Happy Birthday wishes for my beautiful daughter and a God bless to all of you.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Photo Contest on Facebook

Well, the time has finally arrived. 'Old Acquaintances' is having its first ever contest...but you have to be on facebook! If you are already on fb, join 'Old Acquaintances' fan page and vote! You, the fans, get to decide on which picture will be used for the author's photo on the back of the book and on marketing/promotional items.
All you have to do is vote for your favorite picture and you are entered into the drawing to win a pre-release signed copy of 'Old Acquaintances' when I get my authors copies.
Follow the link to the fb page, join and vote...it's that easy. Tell your friends that enjoy mystery/romance books to check it out too! Good luck!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Author Bio Picture Contest

After debating whether to put a picture on the back of the book or not, I've decided to do it. That is assuming I can find one that I like. That's the tough part...you are your own worst critic.
So, my sister-in-law and I will be going to different sites around town this Saturday and taking, hopefully, some great shots. We are going to try some outdoorsy looking pictures in a beautiful park. Then we want to try going to downtown and check out some locations around old, worn out buildings.
With 'Old Acquaintances' being a mystery/romance, I thought it would be neat to play up the 'mystery' side in the picture. So some old brick buildings, boarded up doorways, etc...would be dark and edgy, right?! Well, it's an idea.
Once we are done with that, I will take the pictures home, go through them to pick out the best, then I'll post them on the 'Old Acquaintances' fan page on facebook and let the fans decide! If you are a fan already, check the fb page next week to vote. If you aren't or know someone that would be interested in mystery/romance, send them to the page. Everyone that votes on their favorite picture will be entered into a drawing for a free, signed copy of 'Old Acquaintances'. The winner will be one of the first to receive a copy of 'Old Acquaintances'. It will be sent to the winner as soon as I get my first shipment...Good Luck!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Book review of 'Illumination Station' by Jennifer Mauter

The children’s book “Illumination Station” by Jennifer Mauter is an endearing book about light bulbs and how following God’s word help them shine brightly. This book is geared for young children to help them understand what God’s plan for them is and to show them that following God’s will helps their own light to shine. The use of light bulbs to show how God can make your ‘light shine’ is creative, wonderful and a perfect way to help children relate to God’s message.
Wally and Sam are two residents living in Illumination Station; they are light bulbs and best friends that share a love for God and adventure.
The love of adventure takes them away from Gods word when they make a conscious choice to go against God’s, and their parents, wishes. They find themselves faced with temptation that leads them to a scary and dark place full of dimly lit and mean spirited light bulbs, and they themselves start to dim.
Realizing they have made a terrible mistake by not following God’s word, they turn to prayer and beg God’s forgiveness and protection. The journey that follows is to help them realize that while it isn’t easy to avoid temptation, it is the right choice. Doing the right thing helps God’s light shine through you and others will notice. God’s light shining from Wally and Sam effects those that aren’t shining brightly; it gives them the chance to share God’s light and love.
“Illumination Station” does a wonderful job of explaining God’s love and forgiveness in a moving and understandable story that children will love.

Reviewed by Ursula Gorman author of ‘Old Acquaintances’ (release date late 2010/early 2011)

First Round Edits

Hello everyone! My first round of edits has arrived, three days earlier than anticipated. I think I have Memorial Day falling on the day I was supposed to receive them to thank for the early delivery. I checked my e-mail on Friday, not expecting anything, but always hoping...lo and behold, they were there!
So, at 9:30 at night on a Friday, I started on my edits. I worked 4 hours on them, then started again at 8:30 the next morning and work for 6 hours. The thing is, there weren't as many edit suggestions as I had feared...
I took some time off on Saturday afternoon and Sunday to be with my family. I hit the edits again Sunday night for 3 hours than Monday for 4 more hours...So to date, I've worked a total of 17 hours on editing.
Now to deliver the work to a very good friend who is the best proof reader I've ever known! She is going to read over it, look for mistakes, typos, etc...that may have been missed or have been added when I went in working on edits. I will have time to 'fix' any mistakes I may have made once she checks the manuscript.
I intend to use the full two weeks allotted me to work on editing, but I figure now is a good time for my friend to look it over, it'll give me time away from it so when I come back, it'll be with 'fresher' eyes.
I think the suggestion made were 'spot on' and I look forward to my editor going back over it and seeing if I met her expectations...so far, Tate Publishing has met mine!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Author Picture

It is getting close to the time that my publisher is going to start asking for things...endorsements, cover art ideas, any pictures...including my author picture. I've been told that having your picture on your book helps the reader connect with the author. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I do like to see what an author looks like when 'I' read a book...but the important part to me is the part of the jacket that tells you what the story is about, not so much the picture.
But I will take the advice and do an author picture on my book...but what type of picture do I do? I could do a serious picture and be sitting at my desk in my home office, or in front of my bookshelf full of books. Or I could do a casual picture of me at the local nature center and have a nice outdoorsy picture. Another option is to do a head shot with a solid background...
I'm not sure what I'll do, but I'll probably take a lot so I can hopefully find at least one that I'm willing to use!
Any thoughts?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Multimedia Options

Good Tuesday evening. I have been e-mailing back and forth with the multimedia department at Tate Publishing. It is time for me to pick my option that goes along with my contract. I narrowed it down to commercials or an audio book. I have finally made my decision...I'm going with the audio book!
I think it is the best choice for my book. Once the commercials air, that's it...but with the audio book, it can keep going 'forever'! Plus many people I've talked to say they prefer to listen to audio books instead of reading the book due to long hours in a car or while exercising...I think this will help get my 'book' into more hands than the commercials will.
So, keep your fingers crossed...we are getting there!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

To start pre-sales or not to start pre-sells...

I have been debating with when I should start the pre-sells of 'Old Acquaintances'. I have gotten some really good advice from two people that I've come to respect, they both say it is never too early. BUT...they have both written and sold books that have been released already and didn't start pre-selling until subsequent books...They have an idea of what to expect in this area whereas I don't have a clue!
So, I know I want to do pre-sells but am perplexed on when to start them. I am currently thinking that when I start vacation the first week of June, that will give me the needed time to get things set up for pay pal and other necessities to start pre-sells. My estimate is that 'Old Acquaintances' will be available for purchase directly from me starting in October (hopeful thinking) or November (more realistic).
So would readers be willing to purchase a book 5 to 6 months before they will receive their book? I'm going to hope so and move forward with pre-sells as soon as I can get it set up with pay pal. What do you think?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

First contact with my editor

I have officially meet my editor...it's kind of cool to be able to say that I have an editor! Her name is Ashley and so far I think she's great! She sent me my welcome e-mail Monday and in it is a timeline of the editing process that takes me through July 15th.
I am now waiting to get my first round of edits from her, that will be on the 31st. I will then have 2 weeks to make any changes I agree with. I like that I don't have to make all the changes if I find I don't agree with them! At the end of the two weeks, I send my revisions back. She then has two weeks to incorporate all my changes and get a 'clean' manuscript to me for approval. I have two weeks to re-read the manuscript and sign a content approval if everything is good. Once she gets it back, she makes sure I've signed the approval then it heads to layout and design. That will be July 15th.
So while it isn't the speediest process, it is moving! I sent Ashley an e-mail with a question or two and she was wonderful in her response but what made my week was her parting comment. She said that the copy editor, Ashley is the conceptual editor, recommended the book to Ashley since it is her favorite type of genre AND the copy editor said she thought she would really enjoy it because she thought it was great!!!! Now, I realize that are there to help and encourage the authors and if this is something they routinely tell us, I DON'T CARE!! ;^} It made me feel great and I can't wait to see what Ashley has to say!
So stay posted and we will find out together what happens next.
God Bless

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What's your strength?

It's been a while since I've posted. Nothing new yet with the book, but I should be hearing from the editor Friday or next Monday. Which brings me to this blog topic...
What are your strengths? Are you following them? A funny thing, life...it never seems to take you the way you think it should. I was never very good in English in school. As a matter of fact, it was just about my worst subject. Spelling was okay, literature I excelled at, creative writing was always a favorite of mine, but then you had to start grammar, ugh!
I never understood why you needed to diagram a sentence, who cares if it is a noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, etc, etc, etc...What do you mean, 'What is the author trying to say'? Doesn't everyone get a different meaning when they read it? I don't know why the author wrote a whole poem about fence posts in the snow, I'm guessing he was bored and had nothing better to say.
My point is, I hated grammar in school. Still not one of my strong points, but it's funny how many things make sense NOW that I was taught, lets just say, many years ago. But I still don't understand why I need to diagram a sentence...
So, while I wasn't very good at grammar, I loved to read and write stories. I loved to try to come up with ways to tell a story be describing the scene rather than just writing it out in plain ole, 'now he's doing this', 'now he's doing that'. I wanted to use descriptive words and paint a picture. I wanted the reader to feel like they were there witnessing the scene rather than being told second hand what was happening. So, while grammar isn't my strong suit, storytelling is.
I guess my point in all of my ramblings is, just because one aspect of a dream might not be a strong point for you doesn't mean there aren't other ways to achieve that dream. I would never of thought that I could write a book, let alone become published, but it seems that if you have a strength that also brings a weakness along with it, there are ways to over come your weaknesses but you have to try, otherwise your weaknesses control you.
Go for your dreams, you never know what you can achieve!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Book Sales

I've been doing a little figuring on when to expect to have books for sale, pre-release copies. I'm hoping to have them available for purchase by the end of October or November. Once I know how much they will be I'm thinking about advanced orders. If you order through me, the only way to get a pre-release copy I believe, I will sign it if you wish before mailing it on to you.
Once I know when and how much, I will post it to my blog and facebook page. I will also be adding a paypal to this site so you can pay that way too. But for those that don't want to go that route, you can contact me for my address and send payment that way.
I'm looking forward to having my books in hand...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

What a great day!

It was a beautiful, sunny, warm Saturday that I got to spend with my family doing what I love...shopping for plants, working in the yard, bbq-ing, reading and taking it easy! What an awesome day!
I've been itching to start on a new book but I've been putting it off thinking I needed to wait until my current book, 'Old Acquaintance' was completed...or at least through editing. But I don't think I can wait anymore. I've had several idea that I've jotted down and some of them I started writing on, but I've firmly set them all aside thinking it best to wait. I think I'm going to have to revisit them and see which one is calling to me the most. Or maybe it'll be a completely new idea.
Rissa and Stone's story has been written, it's just waiting for everyone to be able to read it. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them and watching them develop in the pages of 'Old Acquaintances' and sometimes I'm sad that the story is complete. I miss them!
There might be a new story that mentions them again, but I have so many other people I've started to get to know in the ideas I've jotted down that I am looking forward to watching them grow and 'become'. I don't know what the characters are going to be like as I start writing. I only have a sense of their moral makeup...I have to have that to start. I have to know where they are coming from to be able to help them develop, but it's the dynamics, quirks, personalities and dialogue that is fun to discover as a character develops...I'm looking forward to meeting my new friends!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Town Crier Bookstore, Emporia, KS

I hope everyone had a great Easter...mine was fantastic! But this post is about the day before Easter...April 3rd...I attended a book signing at the Town Crier Bookstore in Emporia, KS. Now, while my book isn't out yet, I went to support a fellow Tate author I'd meet on Facebook. While I was there, I got to talk to one of the ladies working at the store. She mentioned that they have a yearly book event every June and upwards of 40 authors attend.
So I contacted the store manager. Not only am I invited to join next June, (my book won't be ready by this June), but they are going to carry my book in their store once it is released! I would say that the 4 1/2 hour drive to visit with a fellow author paid off! I've got a booksigning lined up and a bookstore going to carry my book!
So, I'm thinking that it was a fabulous weekend all the way around! Have a great week and enjoy the beautiful spring weather...oh, and tell your friends about this blog and lets get the word out about my up coming book, 'Old Acquaintances'! ;^}

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! What an awesome gift we have received...Jesus died on the cross for our sins and 'He has risen'! Through Jesus Christ we have been saved and because of Him, we can spend eternity with our Lord and Savior! Praise God, how awesome is that? I pray that if you don't know Him yet, you come to know Him. He did it all for us...for you!
Let us honor Him today and everyday and give thanks for His love and forgiveness. Happy Easter to everyone and my God bless you!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It has begun!!!

Today was 'the' day my book would start production. I knew nothing would happen on my end today, or even tomorrow. It is all happening at the editing department at Tate Publishing. But just knowing someone is finally looking at my book to start the process of production is exciting.
Then I got home and checked my e-mail...It is official, it has begun...I had a 'Welcome to Copyediting' e-mail in my in box! Woo Hoo! So for the next month my book will be poured over, looking for grammatical errors...that's month one.
Month two will start the Conceptual Editing phase, making sure the story flows, the plot holds and characters are given life. Depending on how much 'help' the book needs, editing could take a total of 4 months, but then cover design starts. That's exciting! To see my book come alive on the cover is going to be fantastic!
So, now I wait for Copy Editing to contact me, or Conceptual Editing...not sure which one contacts me next, but I'm looking forward to it.
Who knew one could be so excited over a 'Welcome to Copyediting' e-mail! :)
And the anticipation continues to build...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Author Ursula Gorman reviews 'Salvaged' by Stefne Miller

Author Stefne Miller’s book, ‘Salvaged’ is a truly beautiful reading experience. Attie survived the accident that took the life of her mother and her best friend, but the unseen wounds are worse than any she suffered physically. The Lord surrounds Attie with people that love her and want to help her, if she’ll let them. Her main champion is Riley, the twin brother of Attie’s best friend that died in the accident. Riley is still dealing with his own pain when Attie comes to live with him and his parents for the summer. He is determined to help Attie through her pain while still dealing with his own. Not only must they work through the tragedy of losing loved ones to a horrific accident, but they must also deal with survivor’s guilt and everyday life. You will fall in love with Attie and Riley from the start.
Salvaged is a lesson in healing, forgiveness, unconditional love and finding your way. It is beautifully written and the journey from the beginning to the end is a spiritual awakening. You get to hear the story from both Attie and Riley’s point of view; tying the story together wonderfully. My only regret in reading this book was that I didn’t allow myself enough time to read it in one sitting. It was hard to put down and I couldn’t wait to get back to it.
Ursula Gorman author of ‘Old Acquaintances’ (coming early 2011)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Checking out a book festival

Since I am new to the 'marketing a book' business, I decided to go check out a book festival today. So I loaded up the car with some wonderful friends and decided to take a road trip to Grove, Ok...supposed to be about 2 hours away from home...Well, it was a little more because we decided we needed to take the scenic route! ;^} What were we thinking? It added about an hour to our trip and an hour and 1/2 to the return trip...(missed a turn but found out before too long!)
But the trip was well worth it! I got to meet several fellow Tate authors and stocked up on some reading material. (Man I love books!) I found that this particular book festival is something I would like to do next year if they have it again. Everyone was so friendly and eager to talk to you...I know, I know, they were trying to sell their books...BUT, most of them were very genuine and friendly. It is absolutely a place I would love to be next year.
So, with great friends, getting slightly of route, what did I learn? Getting there is half the fun and it was well worth the trip. To be able to make great connections with other authors and add another venue to my growing 'wish list' of events I want to participate in once my book is ready!
Production on my book starts in less than a week, now I just wait to receive first round of edits! Bring it on!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Welcome to 'Old Acquaintances' blog. I'm very excited to be able to talk with future fans of the book. 'Old Acquaintances' is about a woman named Rissa that is ready to get on with her life after the loss of her mother. But someone has different plans and they don't include Rissa moving on, actually, they don't include her living...