
Welcome to 'Old Acquaintances' blog...The debut book by author Ursula Gorman. 'Old Acquaintances' is a mystery/romance.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Enjoy this time of your life

"Man, I wish it were the weekend." This is a common statement I hear all the time at work...I've even uttered them myself. But what are we really wishing for? Life goes by so fast, do we really need to wish it away?
My children are growing so fast, that I wish I could go back and repeat all the things I missed...or didn't take the time to stop and enjoy. I guess what I'm getting at is, are you taking the time to enjoy the things you'll miss in the years to come?
I enjoy my time with my family, outdoors, doing enjoyable things...but I don't like missing all of this due to work. It's a little different if you are passionate about your work, but what if you don't enjoy your work?
I don't wish my life away, but I do wish my work hours away...they keep me from enjoying the things I am truly passionate about, my family. I don't mind pulling my weight in the world, I just wish I didn't miss so much time with my kids and my husband.
So, next time you are hurrying your kids up at the park, at bath time or trying to get them into bed faster so you can have some quiet time...stop and think, you'll wish you had this time back and that is one thing you can't get back. Enjoy your family and your health while you still can. Take time to smell the flowers and to play with your kids or grandkids...they are only little for such a short while...
God bless you all and I wish you joy, laughter and happiness...now, go play with your children.

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