
Welcome to 'Old Acquaintances' blog...The debut book by author Ursula Gorman. 'Old Acquaintances' is a mystery/romance.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Book Review- C through Marriage by Jim Hughes

‘C through Marriage’ by Jim Hughes is a positive and uplifting book backed by scripture. It is a book that is perfect to be given to newly engaged/married couples and to couples that have been together for years. For the newly engaged/married couples, it gives a good look into what marriage is truly like. Not the glossed over, romanticized version some adults have grown up believing marriage is. As for the married couples that have been together for years, it is an ideal book to revisit what your marriage is now as opposed to what you expected it to be and what is still can become.
‘C trough Marriage’ is written in short chapters, each starting with a possible real life scenario and going into what God intended marriage to be and how to go about reaching a Godly marriage. Bible verses are given throughout each chapter, so you’ll want to have your bible handy.
While I feel that I have a great marriage, this book made me realize that it could be even better. I caught myself wanting to stop reading so I could start working on making my marriage more of what God intended, but I’m glad I didn’t stop…because with each chapter, I learned so much more.
I found this book to be right on the mark. I encourage every married couple, whether you feel your marriage needs help or not, to read this book. This is also the perfect book to have on hand to be given as an engagement gift. If it encourages communication to start before the vows are taken, so many negative issues can be avoided after the vows.
Ursula Gorman- author of ‘Old Acquaintances’ a mystery/romance to be released Dec. 10/Jan. 11

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