
Welcome to 'Old Acquaintances' blog...The debut book by author Ursula Gorman. 'Old Acquaintances' is a mystery/romance.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pentalk Community: Old Acquaintances by Ursula Gorman

Pentalk Community: Old Acquaintances by Ursula Gorman:   Book Look by Carol McClain This week we'd like to introduce first time author Ursuala Gorman and Old Acquaintances.      Two years ...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Review of From the Poet's Hand-Life Lessons

Author Ed Schetzsle's poems both inspire and encourage. Uplifting, moving, touching and spiritual, poems that speak to your heart, soul and to life in general. Some of the poems pack quite a wallop in such a short verse, a talent indeed! Not everyone has the gift to write poetry. Some are born with the talent, others learn it and for others, it is something to read, enjoy, feel but not create. For those that can't create it themselves, they are blessed by the works from authors such as Ed.
Poetry is subjective and open the individuals interpretation...There were a couple of Ed's poems that didn't speak to me, but most were wonderfully moving and worth sharing with others. If you enjoy poetry, I'd recommend From the Poet's Hand-Life Lessons by Ed Schetzsle.