
Welcome to 'Old Acquaintances' blog...The debut book by author Ursula Gorman. 'Old Acquaintances' is a mystery/romance.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pentalk Community: Old Acquaintances by Ursula Gorman

Pentalk Community: Old Acquaintances by Ursula Gorman:   Book Look by Carol McClain This week we'd like to introduce first time author Ursuala Gorman and Old Acquaintances.      Two years ...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Review of From the Poet's Hand-Life Lessons

Author Ed Schetzsle's poems both inspire and encourage. Uplifting, moving, touching and spiritual, poems that speak to your heart, soul and to life in general. Some of the poems pack quite a wallop in such a short verse, a talent indeed! Not everyone has the gift to write poetry. Some are born with the talent, others learn it and for others, it is something to read, enjoy, feel but not create. For those that can't create it themselves, they are blessed by the works from authors such as Ed.
Poetry is subjective and open the individuals interpretation...There were a couple of Ed's poems that didn't speak to me, but most were wonderfully moving and worth sharing with others. If you enjoy poetry, I'd recommend From the Poet's Hand-Life Lessons by Ed Schetzsle.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Book Signing

My next scheduled book signing is Sept. 10th at The Mudhouse in Springfield, MO. It is from 1-3 pm. Come out and pick up your own copy of Old Acquaintances and have a great cup of coffee. Check out The Mudhouse at http://www.mudhousecoffee.com/
It's also not too early to think about Christmas. Old Acquaintances would make a great gift!
I'll keep you posted on any other events coming up, but you can always check out my website, http://ursulagorman.tripod.com for the most up to date listing.
Hope to see you there!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Time to Catch Up!

Sorry it has been so long since I've posted! I have been very busy. I have started a new job, and I got in on the ground floor of a new business, so there has been a ton of start up work too! It has been fun, adventurous, exciting and a challenge...but I'm excited about the new opportunity!
As for the rest of my 'free time', haha, I've taken on the fun of doing book reviews for the blog, "Romancing the Book". I am super excited about this new avenue as well. If you have never checked out the blog, I encourage you to do so.
Old Acquaintances is still my passion, but sometimes it gets put on the back burner for a bit while life intervenes...But I always come back to it.
I have two blog interviews coming up next month, one on July 4th through July 9th at the blog, Operation Encourage an author. http://encourageanauthor.blogspot.com/, I encourage you to stop by. We will be doing a book giveaway as well.
The other is on July 10th at Romancing the Book. This one is a one day event and there will be a book giveaway on this one too! http://www.romancing-the-book.com/.
Please stop by and visit me during one, or both of these events. Leave a message, ask a question or just say hi!
Happy Summer!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fan Pictures

It's been a little bit since I've been able to post! Sorry, life gets busy sometimes. As an update on what I've been up to...I have enjoyed the last 3 1/2 weeks unemployed! But, no worries, it's not bad news. I'm actually starting a new job either next week or the week after. I've really enjoyed the time off and am a little sad to see it end.
Now, for the reason of this post...I am looking for any fans of Old Acquaintances, that owns their own paperback copy, to send me pictures. I would like to post pictures of all the places the book has been. So, if you have a copy and want to help, I'd love pictures of you with the book in a recognizable local...such as by your city limits sign, by your state line sign, by any tourist attraction sign, etc...etc...etc...
You can mail pictures to me at authorugorman@mediacombb.net. Please include your name, (Just first name is okay if you prefer!), what state the picture was taken in, and any other information you want to include!
Thank you!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Great Paranormal and Intense Read!!!

Wisp by Kevin R. Maze is not a book I normally would have picked up to read. Don't get me wrong, it sounded good, but it didn't have the formula I usually look for in a book...That being said, I am thankful for the opportunity to read Wisp! I actaully won a copy of the ebook and am so glad I did!

The story starts out with a great hook and doesn't let go throughout the story. It is over 200 pages, and with each page, I couldn't wait to get to the next to see what was going to happen. Wisp is a well thought out and well written story that pulls you and and doesn't let go. While you realize something 'super natural' is happening, the ending was still a surprise.

I couldn't quite give it 5 stars, even though it is a great story...The only thing that kept it from getting the 5th star was the fact that some 'bad' people got away with being 'bad' in the end. There was one in particular that I would like to have seen, at the least, arrested. But I would still highly recommend this book to anyone that likes suspense, mystery and the paranormal!

Ursula Gorman
Author of Old Acquaintances