
Welcome to 'Old Acquaintances' blog...The debut book by author Ursula Gorman. 'Old Acquaintances' is a mystery/romance.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Cover Design Options

I have been anxiously awaiting my choices for my cover design. I've checked my e-mail everyday since the earliest possible date that they might be sitting there, in my in box, waiting for me to open them and be awed. If only...
I came home today and opened my e-mail and yes, there was an e-mail from my graphic design artist, finally!!! I opened the e-mail and qickly noted that there was no attachments. I quickly scanned the e-mail to see what it said...where and when I could expect the designs. But as I scanned down to the bottom, there they were, embedded in the e-mail. My three cover design options...only, the one I had eagerly anticipated, the one I went into great detail explaining over the phone, the one I found another cover that had the same coloring I wanted (and e-mailed a picture of it to my designer), the one I had been envisioning...wasn't there.
I felt the tears stinging my eyes but I refused to let them fall. I was the only one in the house at the moment and I let myself mourn the loss of my vision. Then I let my husband, who was outside grilling, know that they had arrived and I wasn't happy...So we talked. I texted my best friend, I messaged a couple of author friends I've meet through facebook and let my disappointment be known, but still tried to be upbeat...
What have I accomplished? I got to get it out of my system and clear my mind some. I realized that I needed to look at the cover options on their own merits and not what my preconceived notions were. I realized that God has lead me on this journey and He has been counseling me on every step...so why haven't I already gone to Him? Why? Because I wasn't ready to listen, I needed to 'get it out'. But now, now I'm ready to hear what the Lord wants me to do. My heart, my mind and my eyes are now wide open. The Lord will never forsake me! It will all be fine and I will take another look at my options with a different state of mind.
So my friends, in a few short days, my cover design for 'Old Acquaintances' will be settled and we will be one step closer to having a final product!

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