
Welcome to 'Old Acquaintances' blog...The debut book by author Ursula Gorman. 'Old Acquaintances' is a mystery/romance.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Book Review of 'A Simpler Time' by Laura Eckroat

A Simpler Time by Laura Eckroat is delightful. The first thing that grabbed me was the illustrations, but the story is what captivated my imagination and brought back so many fond, childhood memories. 'A Simpler Time' encourages you to slow down and really appreciate what is around you, in nature, not in technology. While gadgets are fun, new and exciting...at least for a while, the world around you has so much more to offer and it changes daily!
One of my favorite summer memories as a child is catching fireflies, this is something my children also love to do now. This book not only encourages imagination, but encourages families to spend time together creating wonderful memories that will last longer than any ipod or video game.
This book is great for almost everybody! Give it as a gift for a birthday, holiday or just any occasion. It will remind adults of simpler times and show children that there is more to life than playing games, sitting at a computer, etc...
Great book! Loved it!

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