
Welcome to 'Old Acquaintances' blog...The debut book by author Ursula Gorman. 'Old Acquaintances' is a mystery/romance.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

First contact with my editor

I have officially meet my editor...it's kind of cool to be able to say that I have an editor! Her name is Ashley and so far I think she's great! She sent me my welcome e-mail Monday and in it is a timeline of the editing process that takes me through July 15th.
I am now waiting to get my first round of edits from her, that will be on the 31st. I will then have 2 weeks to make any changes I agree with. I like that I don't have to make all the changes if I find I don't agree with them! At the end of the two weeks, I send my revisions back. She then has two weeks to incorporate all my changes and get a 'clean' manuscript to me for approval. I have two weeks to re-read the manuscript and sign a content approval if everything is good. Once she gets it back, she makes sure I've signed the approval then it heads to layout and design. That will be July 15th.
So while it isn't the speediest process, it is moving! I sent Ashley an e-mail with a question or two and she was wonderful in her response but what made my week was her parting comment. She said that the copy editor, Ashley is the conceptual editor, recommended the book to Ashley since it is her favorite type of genre AND the copy editor said she thought she would really enjoy it because she thought it was great!!!! Now, I realize that are there to help and encourage the authors and if this is something they routinely tell us, I DON'T CARE!! ;^} It made me feel great and I can't wait to see what Ashley has to say!
So stay posted and we will find out together what happens next.
God Bless

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