
Welcome to 'Old Acquaintances' blog...The debut book by author Ursula Gorman. 'Old Acquaintances' is a mystery/romance.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What's your strength?

It's been a while since I've posted. Nothing new yet with the book, but I should be hearing from the editor Friday or next Monday. Which brings me to this blog topic...
What are your strengths? Are you following them? A funny thing, life...it never seems to take you the way you think it should. I was never very good in English in school. As a matter of fact, it was just about my worst subject. Spelling was okay, literature I excelled at, creative writing was always a favorite of mine, but then you had to start grammar, ugh!
I never understood why you needed to diagram a sentence, who cares if it is a noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, etc, etc, etc...What do you mean, 'What is the author trying to say'? Doesn't everyone get a different meaning when they read it? I don't know why the author wrote a whole poem about fence posts in the snow, I'm guessing he was bored and had nothing better to say.
My point is, I hated grammar in school. Still not one of my strong points, but it's funny how many things make sense NOW that I was taught, lets just say, many years ago. But I still don't understand why I need to diagram a sentence...
So, while I wasn't very good at grammar, I loved to read and write stories. I loved to try to come up with ways to tell a story be describing the scene rather than just writing it out in plain ole, 'now he's doing this', 'now he's doing that'. I wanted to use descriptive words and paint a picture. I wanted the reader to feel like they were there witnessing the scene rather than being told second hand what was happening. So, while grammar isn't my strong suit, storytelling is.
I guess my point in all of my ramblings is, just because one aspect of a dream might not be a strong point for you doesn't mean there aren't other ways to achieve that dream. I would never of thought that I could write a book, let alone become published, but it seems that if you have a strength that also brings a weakness along with it, there are ways to over come your weaknesses but you have to try, otherwise your weaknesses control you.
Go for your dreams, you never know what you can achieve!

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