
Welcome to 'Old Acquaintances' blog...The debut book by author Ursula Gorman. 'Old Acquaintances' is a mystery/romance.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Things are coming together!

It is Sunday, Dec. 12th, and National Book Release is just around the corner. I signed my contract for publishing my book on Dec. 16th, 2009...on my birthday. Now, almost one year to the day, my book is about to be released. I'm amazed at how it's all come together.
It seemed to take forever from the time I was offered the contract to when I signed it and, finally, the initial contact with my editor. From there it was, 'hurry up and wait' during each and every step. There was enough time between contact that I was about to go stir crazy, but just before I reached that point, I had contact with the publishers again and had a renewed sense of purpose.
So each and every step seemed to be excruciatingly slow, but exciting nonetheless. An oxymoron if there ever was one! So each step brought me closer and closer to being done with the publication process...
The final step has been the editing of the audio book, but I have mixed emotions about that. That's a whole other subject...So now, here we are, two days before National Release and I'm surprised it's here already...hahaha...too funny that time seemed to drag only to be here already!
So, check out Old Acquaintances reviews on Barnes and Noble.com and on Goodreads. There should be some going up on Amazon.com as soon as they are able to put them on there. The reviews have been really good and it's an encouraging beginning to what's hopefully, a long career in writing!
If you've already read Old Acquaintances, thank you for your support and I hope you enjoyed it. If you haven't...well, I might be biased, but it's a good, fast paced and entertaining read...

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