
Welcome to 'Old Acquaintances' blog...The debut book by author Ursula Gorman. 'Old Acquaintances' is a mystery/romance.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Review of 'A Wife and A Witness' by Joy Bowser

‘A Wife and A Witness, Loving your spouse to the lord’ by Joy Ellen Bowser
To be honest, this wasn’t an easy book to read…because it makes you take a hard look at yourself and your marriage. There are some hard hitting truths throughout ‘A Wife and A Witness’, most I agreed with…a couple I am uncertain about. But I think this is a great way to open up our mind, heart and soul and find out what our beliefs about marriage are. It makes you ask yourself some hard hitting questions and open up conversations with your spouse. It is great to help you work through your own barriers you’ve set up for yourself because of today’s laws, rules, expectations… ‘A Wife and A Witness’ reminds you that you are supposed to be living in your marriage by God’s laws, rules and expectations…Marriage isn’t about being right all the time, being in charge or equality…Marriage is about God, what’s correct according to His word. God should be the one in charge and we are all His children and we should live our lives accordingly.
Reviewed by Ursula Gorman author of ‘Old Acquaintances’ a mystery/romance (released Dec 2010)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Book Backmatter/Teaser

Two years after her mom’s tragic death, Rissa is finally ready to get on with her life. But someone else has different plans for her…

...In Old Acquaintances Rissa is confronted with an unknown enemy that turns her life into a living nightmare. She tries to convince herself that everything happening around her is just coincidence, but she can’t fool herself for long. When horrible things keep happening, she turns to her best friend Matt for help. But who can she turn to when he suddenly jumps to the top of the suspect list?

With only a few leads to go on and nowhere to turn, Rissa wants to use herself for bait but the police want to put her in protective custody. While they are butting heads, things are heating up as the body count rises and the suspect list dwindles. Detective Stone is put on the case. He is a well-respected detective that lives up to his name, but will he be able to figure it out before the killer decides it’s time to end the game and destroy Rissa for good? Who will be left standing when the smoke clears?

The twists and turns in Old Acquaintances keep Detective Stone and Rissa guessing from start to finish.

Book Cover

It's official!!! The book cover has been chosen...let me know what you think.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Cover Design Options

I have been anxiously awaiting my choices for my cover design. I've checked my e-mail everyday since the earliest possible date that they might be sitting there, in my in box, waiting for me to open them and be awed. If only...
I came home today and opened my e-mail and yes, there was an e-mail from my graphic design artist, finally!!! I opened the e-mail and qickly noted that there was no attachments. I quickly scanned the e-mail to see what it said...where and when I could expect the designs. But as I scanned down to the bottom, there they were, embedded in the e-mail. My three cover design options...only, the one I had eagerly anticipated, the one I went into great detail explaining over the phone, the one I found another cover that had the same coloring I wanted (and e-mailed a picture of it to my designer), the one I had been envisioning...wasn't there.
I felt the tears stinging my eyes but I refused to let them fall. I was the only one in the house at the moment and I let myself mourn the loss of my vision. Then I let my husband, who was outside grilling, know that they had arrived and I wasn't happy...So we talked. I texted my best friend, I messaged a couple of author friends I've meet through facebook and let my disappointment be known, but still tried to be upbeat...
What have I accomplished? I got to get it out of my system and clear my mind some. I realized that I needed to look at the cover options on their own merits and not what my preconceived notions were. I realized that God has lead me on this journey and He has been counseling me on every step...so why haven't I already gone to Him? Why? Because I wasn't ready to listen, I needed to 'get it out'. But now, now I'm ready to hear what the Lord wants me to do. My heart, my mind and my eyes are now wide open. The Lord will never forsake me! It will all be fine and I will take another look at my options with a different state of mind.
So my friends, in a few short days, my cover design for 'Old Acquaintances' will be settled and we will be one step closer to having a final product!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Enjoy this time of your life

"Man, I wish it were the weekend." This is a common statement I hear all the time at work...I've even uttered them myself. But what are we really wishing for? Life goes by so fast, do we really need to wish it away?
My children are growing so fast, that I wish I could go back and repeat all the things I missed...or didn't take the time to stop and enjoy. I guess what I'm getting at is, are you taking the time to enjoy the things you'll miss in the years to come?
I enjoy my time with my family, outdoors, doing enjoyable things...but I don't like missing all of this due to work. It's a little different if you are passionate about your work, but what if you don't enjoy your work?
I don't wish my life away, but I do wish my work hours away...they keep me from enjoying the things I am truly passionate about, my family. I don't mind pulling my weight in the world, I just wish I didn't miss so much time with my kids and my husband.
So, next time you are hurrying your kids up at the park, at bath time or trying to get them into bed faster so you can have some quiet time...stop and think, you'll wish you had this time back and that is one thing you can't get back. Enjoy your family and your health while you still can. Take time to smell the flowers and to play with your kids or grandkids...they are only little for such a short while...
God bless you all and I wish you joy, laughter and happiness...now, go play with your children.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Book Review of 'Buddy Finds a Home' by Rachel Edmiston

‘Buddy Finds a Home’ by Rachel Edmiston is a sweet story of a slightly scruffy, energetic and loveable puppy named Buddy. Buddy is the last of the litter and still, no one has chosen him to go home with them. Buddy decides to find his own family; only, it isn’t as easy as he thought it would be.
Buddy wonders why no one choses him…is he too rambunctious? Too odd looking? Too small? Surely there is a family out there that wants him. Buddy just wants a loving family with a little boy that he can call his own.
Follow along with Buddy as he goes through his adventure of finding his family. You will come to adore Buddy…
This would be a perfect gift for any young child, especially one that loves puppies. This would also make an ideal gift for a pre-school or kindergarten class.
Reviewed by Ursula Gorman-author of ‘Old Acquaintances’ a mystery/romance; will be released Dec 2010/Jan 2011

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Book Review for: 'A Trail of Broken Promises' by Jess Davon Joslin

‘A Trail of Broken Promises’ by Jess Davon Joslin is a beautifully written, heart wrenching story of a young Cherokee woman that losses everything she has, but gains an inner strength she didn’t know she possessed.
I couldn’t put this book down once I started it. Jess Davon Joslin does an amazing job of bringing the story alive. Elsie Feather is a young Cherokee woman married to the family shaman. She has her world ripped away from her in a moment, not knowing where her family is or if they are even still alive. She is forced from her home with nothing but the clothes she has on…The devastation takes its toll on many of the Cherokee as they are forced into holding camps until their time to march to their ‘new land’ arrives. Finding what little hope she can during the ensuing months, Elsie must find inner strength as she loses more than most can bear.
This is a story of strength, courage, heartbreak and the power of love for family and God…
Reviewed by Ursula Gorman-author of ‘Old Acquaintances’ a mystery/romance to be released Dec 10/Jan 11

Review: Tomato Turtle by Thomas Strock

‘Tomato Turtle’ by Thomas Strock – Cute. Adorable. Endearing. These are just a few of the words that describe ‘Tomato Turtle’. The illustrations pull you into the light hearted story and bring Tomato alive in the minds of young children.
Tomato is a happy turtle with a great turtle life, but one day he sees children playing in the park and wants to play like them. The reader follows along with Tomato as he enjoys new experiences. Tomato finds that there are many other joys than those he has always known. While he finds that new experiences are wonderful, he realizes he misses his turtle life.
Children will love the adorable illustrations and enjoy following along with Tomato and his ‘Trip to the Park’. ‘Tomato Turtle’ is a perfect gift for small children with the colorful images and the easy to follow story.
Reviewed by: Ursula Gorman author of ‘Old Acquaintances’- a mystery/romance release date Dec 2010/Jan 2011

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Book Review- C through Marriage by Jim Hughes

‘C through Marriage’ by Jim Hughes is a positive and uplifting book backed by scripture. It is a book that is perfect to be given to newly engaged/married couples and to couples that have been together for years. For the newly engaged/married couples, it gives a good look into what marriage is truly like. Not the glossed over, romanticized version some adults have grown up believing marriage is. As for the married couples that have been together for years, it is an ideal book to revisit what your marriage is now as opposed to what you expected it to be and what is still can become.
‘C trough Marriage’ is written in short chapters, each starting with a possible real life scenario and going into what God intended marriage to be and how to go about reaching a Godly marriage. Bible verses are given throughout each chapter, so you’ll want to have your bible handy.
While I feel that I have a great marriage, this book made me realize that it could be even better. I caught myself wanting to stop reading so I could start working on making my marriage more of what God intended, but I’m glad I didn’t stop…because with each chapter, I learned so much more.
I found this book to be right on the mark. I encourage every married couple, whether you feel your marriage needs help or not, to read this book. This is also the perfect book to have on hand to be given as an engagement gift. If it encourages communication to start before the vows are taken, so many negative issues can be avoided after the vows.
Ursula Gorman- author of ‘Old Acquaintances’ a mystery/romance to be released Dec. 10/Jan. 11

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cover Design

I've been in contact with my cover design artist. Her name is Lauran and she is great, at least so far! lol She was very open to my idea of what I had in mind for my book cover. She said I would get 3 to 5 cover options at the end of the month. I'll have 2 to 5 days to decide on which one I want to go with. So by the end of the month, I should have a cover for my book. Very exciting.
Old Acquaintances is a mystery/romance, but the romance is more of the secondary story. So which would draw you to pick up the book? A mysterious, intriguing cover or a more romantic cover? I tend to lean toward mysteries, so that is what would draw 'me' to the book...but this isn't about me, it's about the readers. The inside, was all me...but the outside has to pull you in to want to see what the inside is all about.
Some people go for more plain, straight to the point covers that don't appeal to me at all. Then there are those that seem to portray a serious subject, then there's mystery, sci fi, romance, etc. etc. etc...
I've always been attracted to the mysterious...how about you?

Friday, July 2, 2010

It's been awhile!

It's been a little while since I've posted...It's been crazy! I'm covering for a co-worker while she's on maternity leave, doing a portion of her job while still keeping up with my own work. I have to cover for another co-worker while she takes three days off...plus I'm having more stuff added to my regular duties...I'm tired just thinking about it! :)
My son just had his tonsils out earlier this week. I did manage to get a day off to be with him. He is doing amazing. His tonsils were so bad that even with surgery, he seems to be doing better then before having it. His voice sounds funny and he can't play or eat what he wants, but he is eating and getting plenty of fluids so all is well!
I've received my final round of edits. It's good news. She liked what I did so much in the first round that she said she didn't have any notes for me. I just have to look for typos, paragraph indentions and double spacing between words. but for the most part, it's all good.
I've read over it once since getting it back and found some paragraphs that needed indentions, but didn't find any typos or double spaces. I do have a friend looking it over since she hasn't read it yet. A fresh pair of eyes and all...never can hurt.
I have also been contacted by the design department for my cover art. I should be getting a call first of the week to discuss what I want and let her get a feel for the book. I'm excited for that...more later!