
Welcome to 'Old Acquaintances' blog...The debut book by author Ursula Gorman. 'Old Acquaintances' is a mystery/romance.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's Official!

While National release is still a few weeks away for Old Acquaintances...it's official, you can now pre-order on Amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com...Very exciting!
Currently you can pre-order on both, but barnesandnoble.com has it at a discounted price. But remember, the only way to get an autographed copy is to order directly from me!
It's all so exciting and starting to feel more and more real. I've spent almost a full year since mailing in the signed contract to seeing it available on line. National Release date is actually two days shy of the one year anniversary date of when I signed the contract.
In some ways, a year seems like forever and in other ways, it seems like it hasn't been very long at all...What a fantastical journey!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Giving a shout out to Hollister Junior High

I had a speaking engagement at the Hollister Middle School today with the 7th grade English Lit classes, 6 different classes total. The kids were great! I saw a couple with glassy eyes or bored looks, but for the most part, they were attentive and responsive.
They asked lots of great questions and several of them mentioned some of their favorite authors and series. It was great to see them all so into reading! As someone that has always been an avid reader and a big fan of encouraging others to read, it was refreshing!
I want to thank the teachers that invited me, Melanie and Rhonda. They were both great and very encouraging. I was extremely nervous but once I got there, and said several prayers on the way there and while I was there, my nerves settled and once I finished the first class, the nerves were under control! Thank you God! I couldn't have done near as well without you by my side!
So, Hollister Junior High 7th graders...You Rock!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tis the Season...Already?

It seems that the holidays happen sooner and sooner each and every year. It used to be that you started seeing Christmas decorations just before Thanksgiving...then, just after Halloween. This year, they were out before Halloween...Really?!?
I love the holiday's, but I would like to enjoy one before the next one rolls around. I realize that for businesses, the sooner they start, the more money they bring in but it doesn't help with the overbearing commercialism that the holidays have become.
I think that Thanksgiving gets a bum deal in all this. Halloween is the start of the season and the kids can't wait for it and that's all they think about. So it stands to reason that Halloween gets plenty of attention. But Christmas begins immediately and Thanksgiving gets over shadowed...
Don't get me wrong, Christmas time is my favorite time of the year. I love the Christmas spirit in the air. I love to hear the Christmas music on just about every radio station. I love to watch the Christmas shows that are shown on just about every TV channel. I love to feel the chill in the air while looking at all the Christmas lights. I love to know that Jesus birth is being honored during this time of the year, at least in our home...after all, He is the reason for the season.
That being said, what about giving thanks for all you have? for your health? for your family? for your job? I would like to take a moment to make sure Thanksgiving is honored, at least in my little world. I plan to enjoy the traditional feast with my family and overeat along with everyone else. But I would like to give thanks for...my Savior and salvation, for my family, for having a roof over my head, for having a job and a car to get me there, for my families good health, for food for nutrition and enjoyment, for great friends and for love.
God has given up more than we can imagine to be thankful for and in His honor, we should take time to be thankful. So, I plan to honor Thanksgiving today and everyday in honor of the Creator that gave us everything. Thank you Lord.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I wasn't expecting a royalty check for 3rd quarter since Old Acquaintances won't be nationally released until the very end of 4th quarter. On the books I bought to sell in advance, I obviously don't receive a royalty check for those...So I was pleasently surprised to receive a check from Tate Publishing this afternoon for 3rd quarter sales...Too cool!!!Okay, so the check was for under $5, but since I wasn't expecting any, I can't complain! Since Old Acquaintances is available for sale on Tate's website at http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tatepublishing.com%2Fbookstore%2Fbook.php%3Fw%3D978-1-61739-099-9&h=819ab I get royalties for any book sold from them.
So, if you haven't gotten your copy yet, now is a great time. It would also make a great Christmas gift for the book lover in your life.