My Hero, My Ding by Lisa A. Tortorello…might be a funny name, but the story is a sweet, endearing walk down memory lane. This is a collection of stories about a girl and her grandfather and the fun and special bond they shared. Lisa brings her memories to life and lets you enjoy the love, camaraderie and zaniness she shared with her grandfather. The Dings share a special bond that made sense only to them, and that’s exactly how they liked it. I encourage anyone that had a special bond with a grandparent, aunt, uncle…to pick up a copy of My Hero, My Ding. Not only will you find Lisa’s story genuine but it just might bring back fond memories of your own life…Plus, you’ll get to find out what a Ding is…
Reviewed by: Ursula Gorman, author of ‘Old Acquaintances’
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7 years ago