
Welcome to 'Old Acquaintances' blog...The debut book by author Ursula Gorman. 'Old Acquaintances' is a mystery/romance.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Book Signing

My next scheduled book signing is Sept. 10th at The Mudhouse in Springfield, MO. It is from 1-3 pm. Come out and pick up your own copy of Old Acquaintances and have a great cup of coffee. Check out The Mudhouse at http://www.mudhousecoffee.com/
It's also not too early to think about Christmas. Old Acquaintances would make a great gift!
I'll keep you posted on any other events coming up, but you can always check out my website, http://ursulagorman.tripod.com for the most up to date listing.
Hope to see you there!

Monday, July 4, 2011